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Puppet Shows

Each week we do a puppet skit based on a story from the Bible. Currently we are working through New Testament stories.


Please watch the Puppet Skit below as performed by our Puppeteers of Jesus and The Sermon on the Mount.


Wednesday,  April 24, we discussed Salt and what it means for us as children of God to be salt and light in this world.

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Scripture Memorization

April 24 - Matthew 5:13

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its salty taste, it cannot be made salty again."


April 3 - John 3:16

For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have eternal life.


March 6 - Matthew 17:20

Faith can move mountains!


February 28 -

I Thessalonians 5:17

Never stop praying. (NLT)


February 21 -  Romans 6:4


We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. (NIV)


**Kids can learn the scripture from any translation.


Share Time

At each meeting we encourage the children to talk about important things they have experienced that week with their friends, at school or at home where they may have had an opportunity to witness, share or encourage others in Christ. 

We also discuss opportunities we may have had during the week to choose to do the right thing when challenged by the worldly temptations at school or with our friends.

Wednesday we talked about the Easter Holiday and how it is determined when to celebrate and what happened during Jesus' last week on earth before the crucifixion.

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Before the show

Each class begins with prayer. After that we are teaching the students how to find specific topics in their Bible. We want them to use the Bible as their resource for any question they might have. We have ordered concordances since some bibles do not have those in them.

We also plan to help them learn the books of the Bible in order to make finding scriptures more easily.

We want our kids to hide God's Word in their hearts. We are working from a reward system to encourage scripture memorization and bible reading at home.

Any student who can recite a scripture to Janna, Candy or Arla will receive a prize. They can also earn prizes for studying a story in the Bible and telling us all about what they learned and something they can take from the story to apply to their personal life.

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Prayer Time

We try to encourage the kids to lead our prayer time. We want to build their confidence in taking their needs directly to God and knowing He hears and answers every request.

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Your Input

These are your children and we value and are honored for the time you allow us to pour into them and learn from them. A fresh new perspective is so beneficial to us all!

If you have any ideas how to help us build them up and encourage them, please feel free to share with us. We would also love any feedback from how your kids are talking about what they are learning in class.

For His glory!

Candy, Janna, and Arla

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